Setting The Record Straight

  • Setting The Record Straight

    The 90s English Dub Is Canadian

    This article is intended to explain why referring to the 90s English dub as the “American” dub is incorrect. Although Canada is part of North America, “American” is an adjective exclusively used to refer to something/someone from the United States. Referring…

  • Setting The Record Straight

    Who Are Chibiusa’s REAL Parents?

    This seems to be one of those rumours that makes absolutely no sense (considering how many times it’s hammered home that Usagi and Mamoru are Chibiusa’s future parents) and yet it still persists. I have to wonder if some fans…

  • Setting The Record Straight

    Princess Kakyuu & The Sailor Starlights

    Princess Kakyuu and the three Sailor Starlights, Sailor Star Fighter, Star Maker, and Star Healer, are characters introduced in the fifth and final story arc, Sailor Stars. They take a supporting role in the manga, but are pretty much co-lead…

  • Setting The Record Straight

    Sailor Earth & Sailor Sun

    OC Senshi are very common in fanart and fanfiction. As is with most creative talents, some are well-written and well-drawn, and some are…not. “Sailor Earth” and “Sailor Sun” were easily the most common OC Senshi names. It’s saying something that…